How to log into to backend of your website

Okay, team Devatas.

Here is your friendly webmaster with your first instruction video. In this video I will show you how to log into the backend of your WordPress based website.

First thing you need to do is typy this url in your browser – or just click the link below:

Then you will end up at the login page of your website.  Just enter your login and password and BAZINGA! You’re in.

First time you are logged in your screen will look different then the one on the video, simply click on ‘Screen Options’ and deselect everything except ‘Google Analytics Dashboard’.

With GAD you can see how many people visited your site the last 30 days or for a longer period. A fun way to keep you guys updated how the site is doing.

We’re in, so lets go to step 2.

How to edit your menu

Okay, in this video I will show you how powerfull, light-weight and easy to use Elementor Page Builder for WordPress is.

I’m going to teach you how to change your menu, and actually any text in general.  It’s the same deal.

Right here we go.  First thing we need to do is open the page where the text needed to be change.  This is very simple, in dashboard go to the ‘Pages’ > ‘All Pages’ section.  Just click on the page you want to change.  In this example it is ‘menu’.

Once opened, click on the ‘Edit With Elementor’ button.  Let’s do some fun things, in a second page on your browser let’s open the page we are going to edit, just to let you see how fast this shit works.

Okay, did it? Ready? Now let’s just for fun change the text of the first item in the starters.  Let’s change the ‘Fresh Rice Paper Spring Rolls’ into ‘Not So Fresh Spring Rolls’.  Difficult???  Hell no…

Click on the pencil button in your Elementor screen, go to the edit section, click on the text you want to edit and add or remove some text.  Click on the green ‘Save’ button below the page and BAZINGA!

Go to the live version of the website, refresh the page and BAZINGA AGAIN! It’s changed, now that was easy right?

In the next video I’ll show you how to put change and edit the ‘Gallery’ section.

How to edit your gallery

In this video I’ll show you how to change and rearrange your ‘Gallery’ page.

Very simple, but I am going to show you a shortcut as well to edit in Elementor.  As we are logged into the backend of the website all you need to do is open the website, click on ‘Gallery’ in the menu section, click on the ‘View the Gallery’ button and the next step is to click in the black upper WordPress header on the ‘Edit in Elementor’ button.

Click on the pencil icon, this will take you to the gallery edit section of the website. Now click on the ‘Add Images’ button, you can choose between images witch are already in the ‘Media Folder’ or you can upload a new image.  Let’s upload an image of the best looking Webmaster of Siem Reap, Cambodia … Damn THE WORLD!!!

After selecting the picture, uploading it to the ‘Media Folder’ it is pretty stand forward.  You can rearrange by dragging the picture to another position.

Happy with the result, simply click the green ‘Save’ button and BAZINGA!

How to correctly upload a background image to your homepage

In this video I’ll show you how to correctly save, upload and use a new image as a background image for your home page.

There a a few things to be aware of, as the original file of a picture is mostly very big this can slow down the speed of your page load. So, open the picture in Photoshop, go to Picture Settings and first check if the resolution is set on 72dpi and if the width (or height) is maximal set to 1024pix. Then safe this picture on your Dashboard and upload it to your Image Folder as shown in the above tutorial.

Now go to Dashboard in the Back End of your WordPress Site, go to Pages and Edit with Elementor on Devatas Restaurant.

Go to the section where you want to edit the background picture, click on the edit section icon, click on Style icon, there you can upload your new picture.

Happy with the result, simply click the green ‘Save’ button and BAZINGA!

If you like to see some more in depth video tutorials about Elementor Page Builder for WordPress you can do so by watching this link.

Any questions please feel free to contact me on my Facebookpage or by telephone +855 92 301 034 Cellcard or +855 92 301 034 Smart.

Have fun with your new website.